Queridos Padres, Este es una invitacion a todos los Padres que participan en el Programa de Educacion Migrante, a que nos apoyen y participen en la nominacion de un nuevo "Comite de Padres Asesores ". Favor de hacerle click al Enlace que se encuentra abajo y proporcione su Nomminacion de una Persona para cada puesto. Buscamos a Padres que tengan el deseo de involucrarse mas en la Educacion de los estudiantes y juntos con nosotros ayudarles a tener un mejor Futuro. Si tiene preguntas, favor de llamar a Gabriel Fuentes: 541-212-3003 o Jesus Prado: 541-780-3404. Gracias! Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJc8EPYBhjr73KEYAUlehC4kWEAOamU7Ei5EUukrStMHAWeA/viewform Dear Parents, This is an invitation to all Parents participating with the Migrant Education Program, to support us and participate in the nomination of members to the "Parent Advisory Committee". Please click on the link below and provide/nominate a person for each position. We are looking for Parents that have the desire to get involved in the Education of our students and together with us make a difference. If you have any questions , reach out to us; Gabriel Fuentes: 541-121-3003 or Jesus Prado: 541-780-3404 . Thank You! Link : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJc8EPYBhjr73KEYAUlehC4kWEAOamU7Ei5EUukrStMHAWeA/viewform
over 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
I am writing to notify our school community that we recently had an unauthorized man walking across our campus, near the elementary school. Police were called, and the elementary school called "secure mode" until the man had been escorted off campus. "Secure mode" means that all students and staff are kept within the building and not allowed outside. Nyssa Middle School and Nyssa High School were notified, but were not placed on "secure mode" due to the unauthorized person being escorted off campus. All students, staff, and visitors are safe. Thank you for your understanding as we work to keep everyone informed. Escribo estas palabras para notificarles que un hombre caminaba en nuestro campo sin autorizacion. Llamamos el policia y caminamos con el hombre hasta que salio de nuestro campo. Todos los estudiantes y empleados estan seguros. Gracias por su cooperacion.
over 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Padres de NES: Hoy es el carnaval anual de otoño. Favor de celebrar con nosotros de 5:00 a 8:00 p.m. También les invitamos a participar en la subasta silenciosa.
over 2 years ago, Matt Murray
Tonight is the Annual Harvest Carnival! Come join us from 5p-8p at NES. Also check out the 20+ great silent auction items!!
over 2 years ago, Matt Murray
Estimados Padres y Estudiantes, Tuvimos que hacer un "lockdown" en Nyssa High School esta tarde despues de todos los estudiantes se fueron por el dia. Habia un padre enojado que hizo amenazas por telefono a algunos adultos en el High School, y despues, llego en persona en el High School. Cerramos las puertas y esperamos hasta que el policia llegaron. Quiero decir que nunca habia una amenaza a estudiantes, fue hacia los adultos en la escuela. El policia llegaron, pudimos terminar el "lockdown" dentro de 15 minutos, y los estudiantes empezaron sus deportes de nuevo. Les pedimos disculpa por asustar a alguien, pero queremos que sepan que todos los estudiantes estan seguros. Gracias!
over 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Dear Parents and Students, We had to call a lockdown today after all students had been released for the day. A parent of a high school student had made some threats over the telephone to high school secretaries, and later came to the school, so we locked the high school doors and waited for the police to arrive. There was never a threat to students, it was specific to high school staff. Police responded within minutes and are working with the parent to address their concerns. Once police arrived, we lifted the lockdown after about 15 minutes, and all students and staff were able to resume regular activities. We apologize for the alarm caused by calling a lockdown, but want to assure you that all students and staff are safe. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
September 23rd is almost here!!! The day for the Annual Harvest Carnival!!! Be looking for order forms this Friday in your student's backpack!! Yet in order to make this a success we need the parent's help as well! Please click on the link and see if you can find your favorite booth to help at! Thanks so much! -PTO- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050849AEAF22AAF85-annual4
over 2 years ago, Matt Murray
Nyssa High School Parents, We have a Friday tutorial tomorrow from 8:00-11:00. This is required for all students who have one or more failing grades. Please review grades at home and encourage your child to attend if they are not passing all their classes. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Brett Jackman
There is an opening for a position on the Nyssa School Board of Directors. If any adults who live in the Nyssa School District boundary would like to apply for this position, please fill out and submit an application, which you can find on the Nyssa School District website. Thank you! Hay una posicion para servir como Director en la Mesa Directiva del Distrito de Nyssa. Si tiene interes, puede encontrar la aplicacion en el website del distrito de Nyssa. Gracias!
over 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Padres de la Escuela Secundaria Nyssa, Tenemos algunos estudiantes con dificultades que necesitan su ayuda. Verifique las calificaciones de su estudiante en Parentvue para asegurarse de que esté pasando todas las clases. Los estudiantes que tienen una o más clases reprobando deben asistir a OTI (Oportunidad para mejorar) de martes a viernes de 3:06 a 3:45. También tenemos tutorial de viernes este viernes de 8:00 a 11:00. Esto se requiere para todos los estudiantes que tienen una o más calificaciones reprobatorias. Revise las calificaciones en casa y, si es necesario, anímelos a asistir a OTI y al Tutoría de los viernes. ¡Gracias!
over 2 years ago, Brett Jackman
Nyssa High School Parents, We have some struggling students that need your help. Please check your student's grades on Parentvue to make sure they are passing all classes. Students who have one or more failing class are required to attend OTI (Opportunity To Improve) Tuesday through Friday 3:06-3:45. We also have Friday tutorial this Friday from 8:00-11:00. This is required for all students who have one or more failing grades. Please review grades at home and if needed encourage them to attend OTI and the Friday Tutorial. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Brett Jackman
NES Parents: September 23rd is almost here!!! The day for the Annual Harvest Carnival!!! Be looking for order forms this Friday in your student's backpack!! Yet in order to make this a success we need the parent's help as well! Please click on the link and see if you can find your favorite booth to help at! Thanks so much! -PTO- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050849AEAF22AAF85-annual4
over 2 years ago, Matt Murray
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 1. Students 4.
over 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 4.
over 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
Estimados Padres y estudiantes, Como todos los distritos en Oregon, tenemos que poner un "Plan para COVID" en nuestro website para cada escuela en el distrito. Estos planes son para el ano escolar 2022-23, especificos para cada escuela. Contienen informacion que necesitan saber sobre lo que se requiere cuando una persona tiene COVID. Por favor, lean estos planes, y si tienen preguntas, pueden llamar la escuela para hablar con el director o la enfermera. Estos documents se pueden encontrar en los websites o en los sitios abajo: https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school https://nms.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-middle-school https://nes.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-elementary-school
over 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Dear Nyssa School District Community,  Our school district is required to post a "COVID-19 Management Plan" on our website.  These plans are specific to each school and outline the steps we will take to keep our students and staff safe, if you have to quarantine, contact trace, etc. Please refer to these documents if you have any questions or call our school nurse by calling any of the schools.   You can find these documents as "live links" on each school's website. We have also pasted the links below for your convenience: https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school https://nms.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-middle-school https://nes.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-elementary-school 
over 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Estimados Padres y estudiantes, Un helicoptero se atterizo hoy en el campo de futbol de Nyssa High School. La persona que necesitaba esta atencion medica no es de Nyssa, pero nuestro campo es el mejor lugar para el helicoptero. Oramos por el bienestar de esta persona. Todos los estudiantes y empleados estan seguros. Gracias.
over 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Dear Nyssa School Community, As most of you know, the Nyssa High School football field is a landing site for Life Flight when there is an emergency. We had a Life Flight helicopter land today on our football field and it was late in the day, when school was almost out. All principals and supervisors were notified so they could keep students and staff out of the way. We are thankful for our first responders and appreciate their cooperation and quick thinking to take care of those in need. The person who needed Life Flight today is not from the Nyssa community, and we pray for their quick recovery.
over 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
NES parents: As part of the PBIS behavior program, (Positive Behavior Intervention System), we are sharing a link with you to a document for parents: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XW23JfsZHE5ZHjyYyCE7ne-EDTyt-9vC/edit You can find out what your students are learning in the program by consulting the Parent Handbook. Padres de NES: como parte de nuestra sistema de comportamiento PBIS, compartimos un enlace a un documento para padres: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wmWafZgGWz2vwhz4goASjRn-7n8TzOkq/edit Pueden descubrir en el Manual de Padres lo que aprenderán los estudiantes en el programa.
over 2 years ago, Matt Murray
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 4.
over 2 years ago, Nyssa School District