Estimadas familias, Hola, mi nombre es Yesenia Becerril Especialista en Preescolar del Programa de Educación Migrante. Será un placer servirles y apoyarlos en la educación temprana de sus hijos. Nuestra meta es ayudar a que su alumno conozca y sea capaz de hacer lo necesario para ingresar al kínder. Su participación en la educación de su hijo es de gran importancia. Estaremos organizando eventos de aprendizaje. Estoy emocionada de trabajar con usted y su estudiante. Dear Families, Yesenia Becerril (541)-650-5184
about 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
Toys for Tots 2022 Nyssa, Vale, and Adrian Community sign ups at Nyssa Elementary, Today Monday December 5th 5-9pm. Sign ups in the District office 9am-3pm the rest of this week. Toys for Tots 2022 Registros para la comunidad de Nyssa, Vale y Adrian. Hoy Lunes 5 de Diciembre de 5pm-9pm en la Primaria de Nyssa. Regístrese en la oficina del distrito de 9 am a 3 pm el resto de esta semana.
about 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
NMS GBX and MS WR Schedule Changes. WED 11-30 MS GBX - A& B in Nyssa and C&D @ Cole Valley WED 11-30 - MS WR @ Tri-Valley/ Cambridge THU 12-1 - MS GBX - A&B @ Ambrose- NO C&D games
about 2 years ago, Luke Cleaver
NES Parents: Join us for our annual holiday concert on 12/8 in the NHS auditorium. Schedule of performances here: K: 12:30 1st: 12:45 2nd: 1:00 3rd: 1:15 4th: 1:30 5th: 1:45 Padres de NES: reunirse con nosotros para el concierto anual navideño, 12/8, en el auditorio de NHS. El horario está aqui: K: 12:30 Primero: 12:45 Segundo: 1:00 Tercero: 1:15 Cuarto: 1:30 Quinto: 1:45
about 2 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents: Christmas planning is happening at our PTO meeting tonight, Monday Nov 21, at 6p at MacHall!! Hope to see you all there! Padres de NES: reunir con el club de Padres PTO para planear para la Navidad mañana, 11/21 a 6:00 p.m en Mac Hall.
about 2 years ago, Matt Murray
The C & D Middle School Girls Basketball at Compass are cancelled today. They do not have enough players due to illness. C&D teams will practice at Mac Hall today. The A & B games are still happening today here in Nyssa at 4:15.
about 2 years ago, Luke Cleaver
Toys for Tots 2022 Nyssa, Vale, and Adrian Community sign ups at Nyssa Elementary, Wednesday, November 9th, and Tuesday, November 15th, 5pm-9pm More dates and locations are coming soon. Toys for Tots 2022 Registros para la comunidad de Nyssa, Vale y Adrian. Miércoles 9 y Martes 15 de Noviembre 5pm-9pm en la Primaria de Nyssa Próximamente más fechas y lugares.
about 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
Queridos padres: por la razón de una situación inesperada, el distrito no puede usar los autobuses pequeños para recoger estudiantes por el resto de la semana. Esta situación afectará a dos grupos de estudiantes: Grupo Uno-estudiantes que viven en el lado sud no tendrán transporte por el resto de la semana. Los padres deben hacer otros planes para llevarles a la escuela. Grupo Dos-estudiantes que viven por el lado este necesitan reunir al campo de trabajo para recibir transporte a la escuela.
about 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Queridos padres: por la razón de una situación inesperada, el distrito no puede usar los autobuses pequeños para recoger estudiantes por el resto de la semana. Esta situación afectará a dos grupos de estudiantes: Grupo Uno-estudiantes que viven en el lado sud no tendrán transporte por el resto de la semana. Los padres deben hacer otros planes para llevarles a la escuela. Grupo Dos-estudiantes que viven por el lado este necesitan reunir al campo de trabajo para recibir transporte a la escuela.
about 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Dear parents: due to unforeseen circumstances, the district will not be able to utilize the small buses to pick up students for the remainder of the week. The following groups of students will be affected by this situation: Group One-students living on the southside of town will not have transportation for the remainder of the week. Parents will need to make other arrangements for them to get to and from school. Group Two-students living on the east side of town will need to meet at the Labor Camp to receive transportation to school.
about 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
NES Parents: The Help Them to Hope holiday canned food drive assists many local families during the holidays. Please send cans with your child, to be dropped off in the main lobby. The grade level that brings the most cans will win a prize. The drive runs until 12/5. Padres de NES: la colecta de alimentos enlatados se llama Help Them to Hope empieza hoy hasta 12/5. La colecta ayuda a bastantes familias de Nyssa. Favor de mandar latas a la escuela con su hijo para dejarlos en la area central de la escuela.El grado que traiga lo más cantidad de latas ganarán un premio.
about 2 years ago, Matt Murray
Dear Nyssa Patrons, We are writing to let you know about the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and asking you to please inform your networks about this tax credit opportunity. Many families and individuals have not claimed Child Tax Credits or the Third Stimulus payment due to them. Families have until November 15, 2022 to claim the credit. Nearly 90% of children in the U.S. are eligible for the 2021 expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC), which provides up to $3,600 per child. Additional income like the CTC is associated with stronger educational performance, improved health, and reduced stress among kids in families with low incomes. Unfortunately, too many kids are at risk of missing out. While the tax filing deadline has passed, families with no or low incomes can still file without penalty and claim the full CTC (or the remaining half if they received 2021 advance payments). Go to the following link for more information:
about 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
We look forward to seeing everyone at parent teacher conferences! Click the link to answer a few questions regarding the 23-24 school year calendar. There will also be devices available in each building to complete the survey. Please only complete one survey per household.
about 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
Parents, Please attend our Bully Prevention Training this Wednesday and Thursday night at 7pm. Come learn: * What is bullying * How to report bullying * What your kids are saying * Become a partner in bully prevention
about 2 years ago, Bobby DeLeon
Bully prevention training. October 26th & 27th at 7pm in the high school auditorium.
NES parents: a heating unit turning on for the season activated our fire alarm, and caused us to evacuate the building for a short time today. The Nyssa Fire Department responded with maintenance staff, and cleared the building for a safe re-entry of students and staff. Padres de NES: un calentador que fue prendido para el estación causó una alarma de fuego hoy a la elementaria. Los estudiantes salieron por un rato como los bomberos aseguraron que el edificio estaba seguro para re-entrar.
about 2 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents: Title I.A federal program annual meeting tonight at 5:00 in the elementary school. Padres de NES: reunión anual del programa Título I.A hoy noche a las 5:00 p.m. a la escuela elementaria.
about 2 years ago, Matt Murray
MS Parent Conferences: Wednesday October 26th , 4:30-8:00, Thursday October 27th, 8:00-12:00, 2:30-5:00, and 6:00-8:00. Conferencias de padres de MS: Miércoles 26 de Octubre, 4:30-8:00, Jueves 27 de Octubre, 8:00-12:00, 2:30-5:00 y 6:00-8:00.
about 2 years ago, Luke Cleaver
NES Parent reminders: no school Friday, 10/21. No After School Program next week. Program resumes 11/1. Padres de NES recordatorios: no hay escuela 10/21. El programa después de la escuela está cancelado para la próxima semana, y reasume 11/1.
about 2 years ago, Matt Murray
NES parents: Our next PTO meeting will be on Monday at 6p (10/17/22) at MacHall. Please join us as we discuss the fall carnival and our upcoming December activities. We would love your involvement and input! Padres de NES: La próxima reunión de padres será el 17 de octubre a las 6:00 p.m en Mac Hall.
about 2 years ago, Matt Murray
MS Football canceled today in Marsing. No officials available. Re-scheduled for tomorrow 10-12-22.
over 2 years ago, Luke Cleaver