Hola Familias del Programa Migrante! Los invitamos a La Noche de Involucramiento Familiar. Cuando: Hoy, Martes 31 de Enero Hora: 6:30-7:30pm Donde: Nyssa Middle School 101 South 11th Street Nyssa Oregon 97913 Junta de padres: Sesión de participation y escucha con ODE. Hablamos sobre las preocupaciones de nuestros padres tocante a los servicios proveídos a sus estudiantes.
almost 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Hello Families of the Migrant Program. We invite you to Family Engagement Night tonight, Tuesday, January 31st Time: 6:30-7:30pm Where: Nyssa Middle School 101 South 11th Street Nyssa, Oregon 97913 We will meet with Oregon Department of Education personnel and discuss your concerns regarding services provided to your students.
almost 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Hola Familias del Programa Migrante los invitamos a La Noche de Involucramiento Familiar. Cuando: Este Martes 31 de Enero Hora: 6:30-7:30pm Donde: Nyssa Middle School 101 South 11th Street Nyssa Oregon 97913 Junta de padres: Sección de participation y escucha con ODE. Hablando sobre las preocupaciones de nuestros padres tocante a los servicios proveídos a sus estudiantes.
almost 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Hello Families of the Migrant Program we invite you to Family Engagement Night When: Tuesday, January 31st Time: 6:30-7:30pm Where: Nyssa Middle School 101 South 11th Street Nyssa, Oregon 97913 Parent Meeting: Engagement and Listening Section with ODE. Discussing our parents' concerns regarding services provided to their students.
almost 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Padres y comunidad, Quiero escribir esta nota para informarles. Anoche después de una práctica de baloncesto , una estudiante atleta de la Escuela estaba esperando sola fuera del gimnasio para que la recogieran para llevarla a casa. Mientras esperaba, un hombre adulto desconocido se le acercó y le dijo cosas muy inapropiadas. La joven habló con sus amigos, padres y entrenadores. Se llamó a la policía, que acudió a investigar. Estamos cooperando con la policía local para detener al hombre adulto, y también para proporcionar supervisión adicional a nuestros estudiantes. Padres, por favor tómense el tiempo de hablar con sus hijos acerca de tomar precauciones para la seguridad personal.
almost 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
Dear Nyssa School District Community, I want to write this note to make sure we all have the same information. Last night after a late basketball practice, a Nyssa High School female student athlete was waiting alone outside the gym for a ride home. While waiting, an unknown adult male approached her and said some very inappropriate things to her. The young lady spoke to her friends, parents, and coaches. Police were called and came to investigate. We are cooperating with the local police to apprehend the adult male, and also to provide extra supervision to our students who are leaving practices, especially when it's dark outside. Parents, please take the time to speak with your children about taking precautions to ensure personal safety, especially in the dark or while waiting for a ride. Always notify a trusted adult immediately if you are concerned about something. We appreciate our local police and their vigilance for all members of our community, as well as school personnel who work to support and protect all our students.
almost 2 years ago, Darren Johnson
NES Parents: PTO meeting on Monday January 23rd has been changed to 6:30p. Hope to see you all there. We will be discussing the Spring Fundraiser! Padres de NES: Reunión de padres, 23 de enero, 6:30. Discutiremos recaudación de fondos para la primavera.
almost 2 years ago, Matt Murray
Reminder: 5th Grade Trip Family Meeting to go over the trip details tomorrow, January 18, 2023; 5 - 6 p.m. (Popcorn Room). We will explain and answer questions about the trip logistics, chaperone requirements and openings, and much more at this meeting. Please hold questions until then! Recordatorio: reunión de padres para discutir el paseo anual de los niños de quinto grado, mañana, 5-6 p.m. Discutiremos los detalles del paseo, y requisitos para estar chaperón. Favor de venir con sus preguntas.
almost 2 years ago, Matt Murray
Parent Calendar Survey Night at the Nyssa Girl's Basketball game tonight from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.. Please come by the gym foyer, fill out a Parent Calendar Survey, and get a FREE family prize to take home. Noche de Encuesta de Calendario de Padres en el juego de Baloncesto de Niñas de Nyssa esta noche de 4:30 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.. Por favor pase por el gimnasio, llene una Encuesta del Calendario de Padres, y obtenga un premio familiar GRATIS para llevar a casa.
almost 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
We will hold a 5th Grade Trip Family Meeting to go over the trip details on Wednesday, January 18, 2023; 5 - 6 p.m. (Popcorn Room). We will explain and answer questions about the trip logistics, chaperone requirements and openings, and much more at this meeting. Please hold questions until then! Tendramos un reunión de padres para discutir el paseo anual de los niños de quinto grado, 18 de enero, 5-6 p.m. Discutiremos los detalles del paseo, y requisitos para estar chaperón. Favor de venir con sus preguntas.
about 2 years ago, Matt Murray
NES parents: Please join us on Monday, January 23rd at 6p in Mac Hall for our monthly PTO meeting. We will be discussing Spelling Bee and Spring Fundraiser.
about 2 years ago, Matt Murray
On January 13, 2023, MCHD will be providing a vaccine clinic and the Moblie Mammogram Unit from St Al's will be offering mammograms from 9am-2pm at Mac Hall located on the Elementary School campus. MCHD will be offering childhood vaccines, Flu shots, COVID vaccines and COVID boosters. Walk-ins are welcome, but scheduling is recommended to reduce wait times. To schedule, please email adewitt@nyssasd.org. To schedule a mammogram, please call 208-367-8787. Both the vaccine clinic and the Moblie Mammogram Unit is open to the community. Thanks you, Aundra De Witt, School District Nurse El 13 de enero de 2023, MCHD estará proporcionando una clínica de vacunas y la Unidad de Mamografía Moblie de St Al's estará ofreciendo mamografías de 9am-2pm en Mac Hall ubicado en el campus de la Escuela Primaria. MCHD estará ofreciendo vacunas infantiles, vacunas contra la gripe, vacunas COVID y refuerzos COVID. Sin cita previa son bienvenidos, pero la programación se recomienda para reducir los tiempos de espera. Para programar, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a adewitt@nyssasd.org. Para programar una mamografía, por favor llame al 208-367-8787. Tanto la clínica de vacunas como la Unidad Móvil de Mamografías están abiertas a la comunidad. Gracias, Aundra De Witt, Enfermera del Distrito Escolar
about 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
Presione el link de abajo para darnos su opinion en el calendario escolar para el proximo año, por favor lea cuidadosamente las opciones antes de enviar su respuesta. Nos importa su opinion. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_GJHXSHXdDlR8w-HzFnR5qspujC7BV2rIL04How1WfM-O8g/viewform?usp=sf_link
about 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
Click the link below to provide your input on the following possible calendars for next year. Please read thoroughly before making your selection. We value your opinion. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeT_LKUU6VpzoY1YQjxsep2cV7CuSm7bkZ6_0CvbvS2pwNQVA/viewform?usp=sf_link
about 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
Holiday Spirit Week!
about 2 years ago, Brett Jackman
Holiday Spirit Week
HOLIDAY SPIRIT WEEK - Dec 12-16 Monday, Dec 12 - Red and Green Day Tuesday, Dec 13 - Flannel or Fleece Day Wednesday, Dec 14 - Tinsel Toes wear Christmas Socks Thursday, Dec 15 - Too Cozy 2 Wear PJ’s Friday, Dec 16 - Ugly Sweater Day
about 2 years ago, Brett Jackman
Come hang out at the Cafeteria between wrestling matches!
about 2 years ago, Nyssa School District
Christmas Bazaar
Si su hijo/a ha experimentado o presenciado intimidación, acoso, peleas o conductas inapropiadas que involucran a los estudiantes. Por favor infórmenos de estos incidentes visitando la página web de cualquier edificio escolar, seleccione el Menú, debajo del encabezado de Asesoramiento encontrará el Formulario de informe de incidentes. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor hágamelo saber. Bobby De León
about 2 years ago, Bobby DeLeon
If your child has experienced or witnessed bullying, harassment, fights or inappropriate behaviors involving students. Please report these incidents by visiting any building webpage, select the Menu tab, under the Counseling header you will find the Incident Report Form. https://www.nyssa.k12.or.us/ If you have any questions please let me know. Bobby De Leon
about 2 years ago, Bobby DeLeon
Dear Families, Hello, my name is Yesenia Becerril Preschool Specialist for the Migrant Education Program. It will be a pleasure to serve and support you in the early education of your children. Our goal is to help your student know and be able to do what is necessary to enter kindergarten. Your involvement in your child's education is of great importance. We will be hosting learning events. I am excited to work with you and your student. Yesenia Becerril (541)-650-5184
about 2 years ago, Nyssa School District