Nyssa High School Families,
Our Annual NHS Awards Banquet is tonight, May 10, at 7:00pm. All students receiving awards should arrive at 6:45. This is a great occasion to celebrate our youth and their many amazing accomplishments. We hope to see you there.
NHS Parents,
Please read the following information about a possible 7 period day next year. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qxMNBkw6xm00OGMl1HiWIOlnB-U8qJv1yr69FoxPL6g/edit?usp=sharing
El favor de leer esta información de un cambio en nuestro horario para el próximo año escolar. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oglhRLltLgja6NnowI3vtkf5i-raaHYMMnZqn671otE/edit?usp=sharing
TOMORROW - MAY 6th - NMS Softball and Baseball @ Baker - End of Year Tournaments cancelled due to flooded fields. Reschedule TBD
Dear parents,
You have probably heard by now that one of our school buses was involved in an accident today on the way to Payette for a middle school tennis match. I am happy to report that all students and the driver are safe, although they are understandably sore from the experience.
Please note that tomorrow, Bus 8 will be running approximately 15 minutes late for both the morning and afternoon routes. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you to our bus driver. Her quick reactions and training helped keep our students safe.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Darren Johnson
There are lots of good Nyssa High School activities happening tomorrow, Saturday April 29. FFA Plant sale 7:00AM. Baseball and Softball Games 11:00-3:30 and Prom 8:00-11:00. Go Bulldogs!!!
- MIgrant Summer School Registration today 3pm to 8pm at the Elementary School.
All eligible Migrant Students who register will receive a Dia del Nino surprise. Thank You!
- Inscripción para la Escuela de Verano para Migrantes hoy de 3pm a 8pm en la escuela Primaria. Todos los estudiantes migrantes elegibles que se registren recibirán una sorpresa de Dia del niño. ¡Gracias a todos!
- MIgrant Summer School Registration today 3pm to 8pm at the Elementary School.
All eligible Migrant Students who register will receive a Dia del Nino surprise. Thank You!
- Inscripción para la Escuela de Verano para Migrantes hoy de 3pm a 8pm en la escuela Primaria. Todos los estudiantes migrantes elegibles que se registren recibirán una sorpresa de Dia del niño. ¡Gracias a todos!
The Celebration of Life for Corporal Joseph "JJ" Johnson will be livestreamed at www.kivitv.com/live
Please join us virtually to honor our fallen hero.
Reminder - Middle School Baseball and Softball game times are bumped back today.
NMS SOFTBALL - here at 1 pm and 3pm. A team on HS field and B team on MS Field.
NMS BASEBALL - @ Weiser 3pm & 5pm
Community members are invited to attend today’s track meet at Nyssa High School. At 1:55 p.m., members of the Oregon Department of Corrections Honor Guard are presenting the colors and a moment of silence will be held to honor Nyssa Police Department Reserve Corporal Joseph Johnson. Please join us for this tribute to our community’s fallen hero.
" To all Migrant Families, OMLI Open House event set for today will be canceled due to the preparations for the service that will take place tomorrow"
- Familias del Programa Migrante, el evento de "Casa Abierta de OMLI" programado hoy será cancelado, pendiente a los preparativos del servicio que se llevará a cabo mañana.
Parents of 5th graders (Bunker and Morrison classes): Students and staff arrived safely yesterday, and are enjoying a wonderful trip. More news to come.
Padres de ninos de quinto grado (clases de Bunker y Morrison): los estudiantes y adultos llegaron cuidadosamente, y están disfrutando un viaje tremendo.
Nyssa HOSA's Yard and Craft Sale. See Image for details.
Nyssa Middle School Sports will proceed today as scheduled. The additional protective actions have been lifted. Practices and home Tennis vs Ontario at 4:00 pm will proceed as scheduled.
Comunidad de Nyssa,
Deseamos que todos sepan que la persona sospechosa en la muerte de un policía el sábado, ha sido detenida por el policía. Expresamos nuestra gratitud a todos los oficiales del policía que protegen nuestra comunidad. Este incidente ha causado que muchos de nosotros para sentir preocupados por nuestra seguridad y la de nuestras familias. Los oficiales del policía nos dicen que no hay más peligro a la comunidad, y por eso podemos regresar a actividades normales. Estoy dirigiendo a los directores de cada escuela que pueden comenzar con actividades normales, incluye recreo, caminar afuera, almuerzo, y actividades después de la escuela. Tenemos una comunidad muy buena.
Dear Nysa School District Community,
We want to notify our community that the suspect in Saturday's police shooting has been arrested and taken into police custody. We appreciate the many law enforcement agencies who have worked to protect our community and students. I know this incident has caused many people to feel worried and concerned for their safety. The police assure us that there is no further threat to our community and therefore we can resume normal activities. I am instructing all principals to lift the protective actions we have taken today to ensure student and staff safety and return to normal activities. This includes recesses, passing periods, lunch, and after-school activities.
Thank you all for your understanding and help. We have a great and supportive community, and it's times like this where we see everyone rise up to support and uplift each other.
Familias de NHS, por precaución: 1) Tendremos clases mañana en un horario regular, sin embargo, los estudiantes podrán quedarse en casa según los deseos de los padres. Si su estudiante no asiste, llame a la oficina de la escuela secundaria para excusar a su hijo; 2) Todos los estudiantes de secundaria en la escuela mañana deberán permanecer en el campus durante el almuerzo. 3) Las puertas exteriores permanecerán cerradas durante el día escolar. Un miembro del personal estará en cada puerta exterior para saludar a los estudiantes y permitir la entrada.: 4) Se indicará a los estudiantes que usen la pasarela detrás de la escuela. Gracias, Señor Jackman.
Nyssa High School Families, out of an abundance of caution, school will look a little different tomorrow:
1) We will have school on a regular schedule tomorrow however students will be allowed to stay home based on parents' wishes. If your student is not attending, please call the high school office to excuse your child;
2) All high school students at school tomorrow will be required to stay on campus during lunch. Students should bring a lunch if they prefer not to eat cafeteria food:
3) Outside doors will remain locked during the school day. A staff member will be at each outside door to greet students and allow entry.:
4) Students will be directed to use the walkway behind the school by the stadium .
We appreciate your help with keeping all of our students safe.
Thank you,
Mr. Jackman
Dear Nyssa School Community,
We are providing the following information to make sure everyone is aware. Due to the large amount of police presence in Nyssa currently, the suspect in last night's shooting is not believed to still be in the vicinity. However, out of an abundance of caution, we are providing the following as guidance for tomorrow:
1) We will have school on a regular schedule tomorrow;
2) Students will be allowed to stay home based on parents' wishes. Parents, please call the school office to excuse your child;
3) School principals and supervisors of students will have modified recesses tomorrow to limit the amount of time students spend outside.
Thank you all for your concern about this situation. No one knows how much a tragedy like this will affect others. Please be kind and supportive of each other.
Padres y comunidad,
Con mucha tristeza les escribo para informarles de los eventos de anoche. Un policía del departamento tuvo un conflicto con un hombre violento, que disparó un arma hacia el policía, resultando en la muerte del policía. Expresamos nuestra simpatía de la familia del policía y a todos los afectados. Estas noticias son muy difíciles para entender. Tendremos consejeros adicionales en las escuelas mañana y el resto de la semana para ofrecer apoyo emocional. Estamos en comunicion con oficiales del policia para asegurar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y empleados. Si necesitan algo, por favor, déjenos saber. Tendremos horario regular mañana y el resto de la semana.