Nyssa Middle School - TODAY 10 AM to 6 PM - Chromebook and School Supply/information handout. Please come pick up your books, class supplies, schedule, and chromebook. Please stay in your car. THANK YOU.
over 4 years ago, Luke Cleaver
Nyssa High School Update. We look forward to seeing you next Monday and Tuesday for our Chromebook pickup. Students with the last name starting with the letter A-L will come on Monday August 24 from 10:00-6:00 and students with the last name starting from M-Z will come on Tuesday from 10:00-6:00. Students will be able to get their schedules, pick up textbooks, and get their chromebook at that time. This will be a curbside pickup. A staff member will greet you at the curb and bring your supplies to your car. We will also have a Virtual Back to School Night Monday at 6:00pm to share general information about distance learning and the online edgenuity option. Use the following zoom link or meeting code to join the meeting. ID 81208765713 PWD 943172 https://www.google.com/url?q=https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81208765713?pwd%3DQW9hczdxQ0prc1pCK1JtUGlMSnZXQT09&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1598472340559000&usg=AOvVaw27Yw-rOY9XgXHvChxFCuPB
over 4 years ago, Brett Jackman
Nyssa elementary school supply list is available on the main page of the elementary website!
over 4 years ago, Nyssa School District
Nyssa: Actualización de Nyssa High School Nos estamos preparando para el inicio de clases el 26 de agosto. Se destribuirán un Chromebook y libros de texto el próximo lunes y martes 24 y 25 de agosto. Los estudiantes con el apellido que comienza con la letras A hasta L vendrán el lunes 24 de agosto de 10: 00-6: 00 y los estudiantes con el apellido que comienza con las letras M hasta Z vendrán el martes de 10: 00-6: 00. Podrá pagar cualquier deuda acumulada por su hijo/a, recoger libros de texto, obtener su horario escolar, y obtener su Chromebook en ese momento. Hasta pronto. No olvide su máscara.
over 4 years ago, Brett Jackman
Nyssa: Actualización de Nyssa High School Nos estamos preparando para el inicio de clases el 26 de agosto. Se destribuirán un Chromebook y libros de texto el próximo lunes y martes 24 y 25 de agosto. Los estudiantes con el apellido que comienza con la letras A hasta L vendrán el lunes 24 de agosto de 10: 00-6: 00 y los estudiantes con el apellido que comienza con las letras M hasta Z vendrán el martes de 10: 00-6: 00. Podrá pagar cualquier deuda acumulada por su hijo/a, recoger libros de texto, obtener su horario escolar, y obtener su Chromebook en ese momento. Hasta pronto. No olvide su máscara.
over 4 years ago, Brett Jackman
Nyssa High School Update We are preparing for the start of school on August 26. We will be having a chromebook and textbook pick up next Monday and Tuesday August 24 and August 25. Students with the last name starting with the letter A-L will come on Monday August 24 from 10:00-6:00 and students with the last name starting from M-Z will come on Tuesday from 10:00-6:00. You will be able to pay fees, pick up textbooks, get your schedule, and get your chromebook at that time. See you then. Don't forget your mask.
over 4 years ago, Brett Jackman
Estamos emocionados por el inicio de clases el 26 de Agosto. La recolección de Chromebook y paquetes de estudiantes sera el lunes 24 de Agosto de 10:00 am a 6:00 pm. Perdón por el cambio. Estamos retrasados debido a que más de la mitad de nuestros estudiantes no completaron el registro y la selección de su opción escolar. Un gran agradecimiento a todos los que completaron estas tareas y les pedimos a todos que nos ayuden en el futuro con tareas similares.
over 4 years ago, Luke Cleaver
We are excited for the start of school on August 26th. Chromebook and student packet pickup is moving to Monday August 24th. 10 AM to 6 PM. Sorry for the change. We are delayed because over half of our students did not complete registration and their school option selection. A huge thank you to everyone who completed these tasks and we ask that everyone please help us in the future with similar tasks.
over 4 years ago, Luke Cleaver
Due to Covid and the most recent state mandates our Nyssa High School schedule this year will be 4 block classes first semester and 4 block classes second semester. Classes will be 75 minutes in length. A previous year long class worth one credit will now be completed in a semester block class. Students will begin the school year on August 26, 2020. Prior to that date students will be issued their schedule based on the schedule requests from last fall. We appreciate your patience in this time of constantly changing state mandates.
over 4 years ago, Brett Jackman
Welcome back! Nyssa Elementary Fall 2020 ONLINE Schedule. Details for your individual student will be provided by their classroom teacher. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16xgfDLH9eUqgaWtszOWrhU4FNIClZ_B4sGL-7qO4eIQ/edit?usp=sharing
over 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
NYSSA MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS - Please complete this survey so we know how to help you start your school year. https://forms.gle/eW6SyKkKNJmGmXWd9 NMS Chromebook Checkout August 19th & 20th Students will begin school on August 26, 2020. Please contact NMS at 541-372-3891 if you have questions. Look for more updates in the next few weeks.
over 4 years ago, Luke Cleaver
Board Meeting Mon Aug 10, 2020 7pm – 8:30pm Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87433314939?pwd=dCtXdkRGUU14MGZIcnFpWnEyQzZtZz09 password: HPNseLadEy
over 4 years ago, Nyssa School District
Due to Covid and the most recent state mandates our Nyssa High School schedule this year will be 4 block classes first semester and 4 block classes second semester. Classes will be 75 minutes in length. A previous year long class worth one credit will now be completed in a semester block class. Students will begin the school year on August 26, 2020. Prior to that date students will be issued their schedule based on the schedule requests from last fall. We appreciate your patience in this time of constantly changing state mandates.
over 4 years ago, Brett Jackman
Padres de la Primaria: No pudo asistir la inscripción la semana pasada? Por favor, haga la inscripción EN LÍNEA en nyssa.k12.or.us! Si absolutamente no puede, pase hoy antes de las 4:00 para hacerla con Sra. Anderson en frente de la escuela.
over 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
NES Parents: Missed registration? Please REGISTER ONLINE if you can at nyssa.k12.or.us. If you cannot, come by today before 4:00 and Ms. Anderson can help you in front of the school!
over 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
Parents of Incoming Kindergarten Students: Now is the time to register! Our Kinder teachers and registration staff are ready and waiting in front of the school for you. Please come ONE parent AND your Kindergarten student. Please bring a copy of their birth certificate and immunization records. Please wear a mask. Registration closes at 7:30pm!
over 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
DIFICULTADES TÉCNICAS con la inscripción digital. Por favor, pasen a la escuela para inscribir a sus niños de primaria, pero vengan solos y lleven mascarillas por favor! Abierta hasta las 4:00 hoy, 8:00-3:00 mañana y 8:00-7:30 el miércoles (4:00-7:30 para Kínder).
over 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
TECHNICAL difficulties with NES online registration! Please come in to register in person, but please come alone and please wear a mask! Open until 4:00 today, 8:00-3:00 Tuesday, 8:00-7:30 Wednesday (4:00-7:30 for Kindergarten).
over 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
ACTUALIZACIÓN de la INSCRIPCIÓN para el año 2020-2021! Lunes, 27 de julio, 12:00-4:00 Martes, 28 de julio, 8:00-3:00 Miercoles, 29 de julio, 8:00-7:30 (los de Kinder SOLO de 4:00-7:30) Por cuestiones de salud, sugerimos que los padres hagan la inscripción en línea en www.nyssa.k12.or.us. Si decide hacer la inscripción en persona, favor de 1) llevar mascarilla, 2) traer copias de cualquier documento que necesite entregar y 3) venir sol@ para mantener distancia física. La única excepción: hay que llevar a su niñ@ de Kinder con usted para que haga un examen académico con sus maestros. Muchas gracias!
over 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
NES REGISTRATION UPDATE: Monday, July 27, 12:00-4:00 Tuesday, July 28, 8:00-3:00 Wednesday, July 29, 8:00-7:30 Kindergarten (July 29, 4:00-7:30 ONLY) For all 1st-5th grade parents, we strongly encourage you to register your students online at www.nyssa.k12.or.us. For all parents who choose to register in person, please 1) wear a mask, 2) have copies of immunization and birth certificate ready and 3) come by yourself to maintain social distancing. All Kinder parents, please bring ONLY YOUR KINDERGARTENER with you to complete a Kinder readiness exam with their teachers.
over 4 years ago, Scott Rodman