Nyssa High School Students:
Just a reminder that there is no school tomorrow due to our county-wide inservice day. Thank you.
No hay escuela manana. Es un dia de entrenamiento para los maestros. Gracias.
New Schedule for the NES Bookmobile! Come get a book from your friendly librarians!
Horario nuevo para el Libromobil de la primaria. Ven a sacar un libro de tus amables bibliotecarias!
Nyssa High School:
Our auto caller is currently having technological difficulties and has called multiple times for a single absence or tardy. Thank you for your patience as we resolve this. Attendance can be checked on ParentVue.
If you need additional help with school work. We are here to help! #nyssastrong
Nyssa High School Update:
Grades will be posted this evening in ParentVue and StudentVue. If you have trouble logging in please call the high school on Monday.
Nyssa High School Reminder:
Just a reminder that this Friday September 18, 2020 is a Staff Inservice day and there will be no classes Friday. Updated grades will be available on ParentVue and StudentVue Friday night. If you do not know your login information please contact the school.
Este viernes, el 18 de septiembre, es un dia de entrenamiento para los maestros entonces no hay clases este viernes. Las calificaciones de su estudiante estarán en ParentVue and StudentVue el viernes por la tarde. Si no saben su nombre de usuario pueden llamar la escuela.
Nyssa Elementary Readers: Return your book, get a new book and tell your friends about The Bookmobile. Here is the schedule! Lectores de la Primaria de Nyssa: Devuelvan sus libros, saquen otro y corran la voz sobre El Libromobil! Aqui esta el horario!
Students please check your email to see if you are a winner for the August perfect attendance drawing. Please let me know if you can come get your prize (parking lot drive up and delivery) or if you need me to deliver. Congrads you are #nyssastrong
Big News for Nyssa Elementary Readers!!! The Bookmobile is coming your way. Here is the schedule; come get a book!
Grandes noticias para lectores de la primaria! El Libromobil viene a tu casa. Aqui esta el horario; ven a sacar un libro!
The NMS and NHS staff are aware that some students are experiencing internet outages at home. It seems to be an internet provider issue. Staff will be recording their lesson and once your service returns please follow up with your teacher if you need assistance. SORRY.
This is what teacher meetings look like this year!
What a weird new world we’re in. Mrs. Adams led a socially distanced phonics lesson for staff in front of the school today.
Familias de Nyssa High School: Bienvenidos al primer día de escuela. Los maestros están enseñando y tratando de conectar con todos sus estudiantes. Si su estudiante no puede conectar, el favor de tratar los siguientes pasos:
1. Verifiquen el horario de su estudiante es correcto. El horario oficial se encuentra en StudentVue.
2. Si no pueden ver una clase en su horario, es necesario buscar en el horario oficial en StudentVue y buscar los dos semestres, semestre uno y dos.
3. En su paquete de papeles de la escuela, hay un papel con todo la información necesaria para conectar con su Chromebook y Google Classroom. Es importante usar esta información como una referencia.
4. Después de verificar la información en esta hoja, si no pueden conectar, llamanos para ayuda.
Deseamos que todos puedan conectarse con sus maestros hoy. ¡Gracias!
Nyssa High School Update:
We are up and running!! Teachers are teaching and most students are connected and learning! However if you are unable to connect, try these steps:
1. Verify that you have the right schedule. Some schedules were changed after the paper copy was printed. Students need to check studentvue to confirm their schedule.
2. The paper copy only shows semester 1 , please check Studentvue for the full semester 1 and semester 2 schedule.
3. During chromebook pickup packets were handed out with all of the student login information. Please refer to that information sheet for your correct login information.
4. If you are have verified that you are using all the correct email information and are still unable to log in, then please call the school so we can help.
Thank You!!
Good Morning from the MS. Two tech issues. Please check your packet for your Google/Chromebook log in information. It was stapled to your schedule. Grad year accounts have been disabled. If you selected full time online you will not start school today. A teacher will be contacting you today and tomorrow to set up your classes.
Familias de NES: para todos que han tenido problemas de entrar en las clases hoy, nuestros técnicos están trabajando duro para resolver el problema para que TODOS nuestros estudiantes puedan asistir a su primer dia de clases, sin problemas, manana!
Elementary Families: For any families having problems logging into your classes today, our tech department is working feverishly to fix the problem so that ALL students will be able to get in to their first day of school tomorrow!
Nyssa High School Students:
Tomorrow is the first day of school!! How exciting! We need all our NHS students to log into google classroom, accept the class, and find the zoom link for tomorrow's class session. Login information and a bell schedule were included when you picked up your chromebook. If you get stuck, give us a call.
NMS - Back to School Meeting 6 PM Tonight (8/25). Update on Distance Learning, Online Learning and the start of school. We are excited for school to begin. Please use this link to join the meeting
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 6820 4269
Passcode: 439275
Nyssa Middle School - TODAY 10 AM to 6 PM - Chromebook and School Supply/information handout. Please come pick up your books, class supplies, schedule, and chromebook. Please stay in your car. THANK YOU.