Parents and Students: Your reading logs for Roaring Springs must be turned in by March 31. Read, read, read and then swim, slide, dive!
Padres y estudiantes: Sus registros de lectura para Roaring Springs se entregan el 31/3. Leer, leer, leer para nadar, resbalar, clavar!
NMS Parent Teacher Conferences - March 17th Wednesday 5:00 -8:30 pm March 18 Thursday. 8:00 am -12:00, 1:00-4:00 pm, & 5:00-8:30 pm . Conference by Zoom or Telephone. Students with a D or an F in a class have received an invitation to schedule a meeting with their teacher. Please check with your student. Open scheduling for anyone would like to schedule a meeting will be available by Monday March 15th. Teachers will share the scheduling link with their students. Parents can also contact any teacher by email or phone the school to arrange a time to meet.
Conferiencias de Padres/Maestras Miercoles, 17 de Marzo 5:00-8:30pm Hueves, 18 de Marzo 8:00-12:00pm, 1:00-4:00pm, 5:00-8:30pm Conferencias Por Zoom y Telefono Estudiantes con grados de una D y F en mas de una clase recibiran una envitacion para conectarse con la maestra/maestro de su hijo/hija. Habla con sus ninos! La programación estaria abierta para todos los padres/estudiantes que deseen programar una reunión, estará disponible el Lunes, 15 de Marzo. Los maestros/maestras compartirán el link para tomar un tiempo para usted. Los Padres tambien pueden contactarse con la maestra/maestro por email y tambien por telefono para escoger un tiempo
Nyssa High School Families,
The NHS volleyball games today will be available to view online at This link is also available on our district and school websites. Thank you for supporting out athletes!!
Nyssa High School Families,
Parent Teacher Conferences are next week on Wednesday, March 17 from 5:00-8:30 and Thursday, March 18 from 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00, and 5:00-8:30. Due to Covid-19 all conferences will be held by zoom or by phone. Please call 541-372-2287 or email your child's teachers if you would like to request a conference. The best time to call to request a conference is Friday 3/12 or next Monday 3/15 & Tuesday 3/16 before 9:00 or after 2:45. Conferences are most effective when they include students. We look forward to meeting with as many parents as possible. Thank you!
Las familias de Nyssa High School, Las conferencias para padres y maestros se llevarán a cabo miércoles 17 de marzo de 5:00-8:30 y jueves 18 de marzo de 8:00-12:00, 1:00-4:00, y 5:00-8:30. Debido a la pandemia de covid-19, las conferencias serán por teléfono o por zoom. El favor de llamar al 541-372-2287 o mandar un correo electrónico para pedir una conferencia. Esperamos poder juntarnos para conferencias. Gracias.
Congratulations, spellers!
Nyssa High School Families,
We are so excited to have a home varsity football game tonight. Updated OSAA guidelines have allowed for additional spectators. Tickets have been distributed through our athletes. A ticket is still required to enter the stadium. Those who have a ticket and are attending in person will be required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing between households. For those unable to attend, the game will be broadcasted on the NFHS network:
Nyssa School District Calendar 20-21
A todos padres y estudiantes: Mañana, 11 de marzo, es el campeonato de ortografía del condado de Malheur. Los eventos empezarán a las 8:00 a.m. Se encuentran las enlaces para todos los eventos a la pagina de inicio de NES.
All students and parents: tomorrow, March 11, is the Malheur County Spelling Bee! Overall winner will represent the county at the Scripps National Bee! Don't forget to tune in online to all the events beginnning at 8:00. Links are on the NES home page.
Nyssa High School Sports Fans,
The volleyball games today will be broadcast on Facebook Live on the Adrian Sports Booster Page.
The soccer games today will be broadcast on our regular NFHS Link
La Grande School District is not using the NFHS network. They are using the links below for the JV Football Game today in La Grande. Due to technology at different schools the quality and reliability of the broadcast may vary. We appreciate their efforts to broadcast this game.
Nyssa High School Families,
All NHS sporting events will be available to view online at This link is also available on our district and school websites. Thank you for supporting out athletes!!
Dr. Seuss Day, What a Goose Day, Things 1 and 2 were on the Loose to-Day!! Plus, the Bulldog visited two great mask wearers this afternoon.
El Día del Dr. Seuss lo pasamos muy bonito, Cosas 1 y 2 se fueron sin ningún grito y el Bulldog les dio premiocito a dos niños llevando masqueritas.
Mañana, celebramos la lectura con el cumpleaṅos de Dr. Seuss. Los estudiantes pueden vestirse en pijama, pero favor de dejar en casa las cobijas y almohadas.
Students will celebrate reading tomorrow on Dr. Seuss Day, and may wear school appropriate pajamas. Please leave pillows, blankets, and all other items at home.
Nyssa High School Families,
NHS sporting events including today's volleyball games will be available at
NMS is rewarding students for reading independently at school. Students can pick up a sheet in front of the office to track reading. They will then read for 10 minutes a day, write a short summary, have an adult sign that they read, and turn the sheet into the office to be eligible for that day's prize.
Many people have inquired about whether or not spectators will be allowed at upcoming home athletic contests. Since Malheur County is now in the "Moderate" risk range, a certain number of people are allowed inside the facilities to watch. We are issuing tickets to athletes for the games to distribute to their families. There will be no other tickets issued. You cannot enter without a ticket. Everyone in attendance has to record their name, and must be screened in order to enter. If you are not assigned to be working the game or event or do not have a pass please do not expect to enter. No spectators from visiting teams will be allowed, and Nyssa families will not be able to attend games at other schools. This is much different from previous years and we ask for your cooperation as we try to keep our students competing. For those not able to attend in person, you can watch the games on the internet. Those links are on our school district website.
Thank you!
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 3
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