Padres de NES: Favor de mandar peticiones para maestros para el año escolar ‘21-’22 a por el 28 de mayo. Trataremos realizar sus deseos.
NES Parents: please send requests for specific teachers for your students for the '21-'22 school to Requests should be sent no later than May 28. While there are no guarantees, we will do our best to honor your requests.
May 6, 2021
Dear Parents and Students,
Due to the COVID interruption to school this year, the state of Oregon has approved extra funds for all students in grades K-12 to attend summer school. Summer school will be FREE for all students who wish to attend. For now, this extra summer school is a one-time event.
This extra summer school will be held in conjunction with our annual Migrant summer school. All students will attend and participate together.
In order to attend summer school, you must commit to the following requirements:
1) Commit to attend school each day from June 3-30 (20 days), Monday-Friday each week.
2) Be on time! Schedule is 7:30 am – 3:00 pm each day.
3) Commit to work hard and play hard. Areas of focus:
a. K-8 -- math, English, and science; hands-on learning, STEM, field trips, etc.
b. 9-12 -- credit recovery.
4) Be willing to transport your child to school if we are unable to find enough bus drivers to fill the need.
Please click on the link below to complete initial enrollment in the Nyssa Summer School for all. If you are already registered for Migrant Summer School, do not complete this form.
Food Service Worker Appreciation Day Today! We love our Super Lunch Ladies! Apreciamos mucho a las trabajadoras de la cafetería hoy y todos los días!
We have an urgent opportunity to fill slots at the COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccine Clinic this Thursday, 5/6, from 2-6 p.m. at Ontario High School. This is the only vaccine available to ages 16-17 and the doses will be expiring soon and need to be used. Call Lisa at 541-889-5374 for an appointment. With cases increasing in youth and Pfizer being difficult to get, this is an great opportunity. Available to anyone 16+. See flyer below.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 3.
Dear Parents of Nyssa School District,
We recently learned that some of our students have COVID. We are following all safety protocols put in place to keep everyone healthy so we ask for your cooperation in the following ways:
1) If our school nurse or the Malheur County Health Department calls you to discuss possible quarantine of your child, please cooperate with them.
2) If your child is feeling ill, please keep them home. Do not send them to school when they feel ill. They can still attend class from home through Zoom, but please talk to your child's principal so arrangements can be made for this.
We would like to have our end of year activities for all students, especially our high school graduation. These activities are in danger of being canceled if we get more COVID cases.
Please follow the guidance above to help our students enjoy their end of year activities.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 4.
See you on Zoom tonight for our parent night with these awesome prizes! Nos vemos esta noche en Zoom para la noche familiar, con estos asombrosos premios.
Noche familiar informativa del Título I-A
Jueves, 26/4 a las 6:30 a traves de Zoom:
Para enterarse de lo que hacemos para ayudarle a su hijo/a tener exito en matematicas y lectura...y ganar un premio para su hijo/a.
Title I-A Parent Information Night
Thursday, 4/26 at 6:30 on Zoom
Zoom Link:
Learn what we are doing to help your child succeed in math and reading...and win a prize for your child!
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 0.
Our fourth grade dual language students made a beautiful Earth Day mural. Que lindo, chicos!
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 0. Students 0.
Fifth grade explored the rocks, soil and beauty of the Owyhee Reservoir on Thursday!
Los de quinto grado exploraron las piedras, la tierra y la belleza del lago Owyhee el jueves!
Padres de NES: Inscripción para niños de Kinder esta apuntada para mañana, 15 de abril, de 3:30-5:30 a la elementaria. Favor de traer certificado de nacimiento, récord de vacunas, y prueba de residencia.
NES Parents: Kindergarten registration for the '21-'22 year is tomorrow from 3:30-5:30 in front of the school. Please bring birth certificate, vaccination record, and proof of residency.
Reunión de padres interesados en registrar a los hijos de kinder en el programa bilingüe esta apuntado para hoy a las 5:00. Favor de usar esta enlace:
NES Parent reminder: Dual Language Informational meeting for parents interested in possibly enrolling their kindergarteners in our program is tonight at 5:00 p.m, at this link:
Congratulations! After many weeks of preparation, these ten fourth grade students competed in a national math competition. #bullpuppride