Here is our schedule this week for Nyssa High School Athletics.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 2. Students 1.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 2. Students 4.
Nyssa High School Sports Update:
The boys and girls basketball games at Burns today will be closed to all spectators due to extreme covid numbers in their county. No spectators will be allowed in the gym. Burns will stream on the NFHS Network at:
Unfortunately Burns High School does not pay for the NFHS Network subscription so you will have to purchase a monthly or a yearly viewing plan to access the games. We are thankful that our players still have the opportunity to play. The boys JV will play at 3:30 PST, Girls Varsity at 5:00 PST, and Boys Varsity at 6:30 PST.
Nyssa High School Sports Update: The Boys Basketball Games VS Irrigon scheduled for today Saturday Jan 22 have been delayed due to bus issues. The first game is now scheduled to start at 2:00 or 2:30. The varsity game will begin about 4:00.
NES parents: we are making a start back to monthly awards assemblies on 1/25. While this assembly will be staff and students only, we look forward to being able to invite parents in February!
Padres de NES: el 25 de enero, estamos empezando de nuevo las asambleas de premios. Este asamblea serán únicamente para estudiantes y personal de la escuela. Tenemos el plan para invitar los padres en febrero!
Nyssa High School Sports Update:
The Girls and Boys Basketball Games scheduled for Friday Jan 21 VS Umatilla have been cancelled. The Girls Basketball Games scheduled for Saturday Jan 22 VS Irrigon has also been cancelled. Cancelled games will be rescheduled.
Come cheer on our Boys Basketball Team this Saturday Jan 22 VS Irrigon with JV at 1:00 and Varsity at 2:30. GO BULLDOGS.
Nyssa community,
Due to a shortage of bus drivers tomorrow (Friday January 21), there will be a delay in picking up the students who ride bus 4. There will be a bus that comes by in the morning for bus 4 students, so please watch for the bus a little later than normal.
We apologize for this inconvenience.
Comunidad de Nyssa,
El autobus 4 llegara un poco tarde manana por la manana (viernes Enero 21). Espere el autobus para llevar a los ninos, pero un poco mas tarde que normal. Pedimos su perdon.
Recientemente, el Departamento de Educación emitió un aviso de salud escolar para los meses de enero y febrero en respuesta a la rápida transmisión de la variante Omicron. Aunque actualmente podemos participar en todas las actividades extracurriculares y continuar la escuela en persona, el Departamento de Educacion ha emitido una advertencia sobre los riesgos asociados con la participación en actividades extracurriculares.. Es esencial que las personas se adhieran a los protocolos de salud. Si usted o un miembro de su familia se siente enfermo, no continúe asistiendo a la escuela ni a otras actividades, ya que esto podría causar que la enfermedad se contagie a otras personas. Tómese el tiempo que necesite para sentirse mejor y solo entonces regrese a sus actividades normales.
January 20, 2022
The Oregon Department of Education recently issued a School Health Advisory for the months of January and February in response to the rapid transmission of the Omicron variant. Current modeling predicts that Oregon will experience a significant COVID-19 surge, driven by the Omicron variant.
Although we are currently able to participate in all extracurricular activities and continue in-person school, the Oregon Department of Education has issued a caution regarding the risks associated with participating in extracurricular activities.
Please understand that it is essential that individuals adhere to health and safety protocols to minimize the spread of COVID-19. If you or a family member are feeling ill, please do not continue to attend school or other activities, since this could cause the illness to spread to others. Take the time you need to feel better, and only then return to normal activities.
Please continue to exercise caution in your personal health decisions so that our students will be able to continue to attend school in person and participate in the extracurricular activities they love.
Thank you,
Darren Johnson
NES K and 1st parents: the student halftime dancers scheduled to perform on 1/21 have been cancelled.
Padres de Kinder y Primer Grado: los bailadores apuntados para actuar el dia 21 de enero han sido cancelados.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 3. Students 21.
Nyssa Parents,
Tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday January 18), we will need to modify the route for bus 4 again. We apologize for this inconvenience. Students will ride the bus, but they will be dropped off a little later than the regular schedule. Again, this is only for bus 4 and only for tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon.
Padres de Nyssa, Manana (martes) por la tarde, necesitamos modificar la ruta para el autobus 4. Los estudiantes todavia van en autobus, pero llegaran un poco mas tarde que normal. Este cambio es solamente para manana y solamente por la tarde.
Nyssa Parents,
Tomorrow afternoon, we will need to modify the route for bus 4. Students will still ride the bus, but they will be dropped off a little later than on regular schedule. Again, this is only for bus 4 and only for tomorrow afternoon.
Padres de Nyssa,
Manana por la tarde, necesitamos modificar la ruta para el autobus 4. Los estudiantes todavia van en autobus, pero llegaran un poco mas tarde que normal. Este cambio es solamente para manana y solamente por la tarde.
The University of Oregon is recruiting caregivers of children ages 10-14 to participate in Middle School Success Over Stress, a telehealth research study.
Caregivers will be paid $300 over the course of 6 months and children will be compensated $50.
If you are wanting to participate in this study please scan the QR code below. Thank you.
La Universidad de Oregon está reclutando padres/tutores de niños entre las edades de 10-14 para participar en el estudio de Éxito sobre el Estrés en la Intermedia, un estudio de investigación de telehealth.
A las familias se les va a pagar 300 dólares durante el curso de los 6 meses y los niños van a recibir hasta 50 dólares.
Si quieren participar en este estudio por favor escanear el QR código abajo. Gracias.
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 2. Students 6.
Thank you NSD School Board for the many, many unpaid hours of service you dedicate to making Nyssa a phenomenal place to work and learn!
NHS Basketball Fans,
If planning on traveling to Riverside for games tomorrow, the weather and roads have been terrible this past week. Schools in this region have only held school two days this week. Tomorrow, Friday 1/7 is supposed to bring better weather but there are no guarantees. If there is a cancellation we will send out another notification as soon as the decision is made.
Please also know that the mask mandate in the state of Oregon for indoor facilities is still in effect. Riverside is using a zero tolerance mask monitoring policy. If you are failing to wear your mask you will be asked to leave the facility. They will not be giving warnings or multiple chances.
Due to a shortage of officials, Riverside is struggling to find officials for the game. Currently they are trying to find JV officials for tomorrow's game. If they are successful in finding an official, please show your appreciation by remaining positive, not directing comments to the officials, and demonstrating good sportsmanship.
We appreciate your support of our athletes. Thank you!
Here is what's happening with Nyssa High School Athletics. We invite you to come cheer on our Girls Basketball Team tonight as the take on Melba. More information on upcoming events can be found with the following links:
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 1. Students 0.