Nyssa High School ONLY Open House tonight from 4pm to 6pm for Juniors and Seniors - come check out textbooks, chromebooks and lockers. DISTRICT wide open house is Thursday, August 18th from 4pm to 6pm. If you have any questions please call 541-372-2287.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
Open House
NHS reminder - sports practices have begun and athletes need to turn in paperwork to participate... if you have a question about practice times please go to the following website https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school/events?view=list-month
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
NHS Sports Practices - In order to help with communication we have posted the known sports practices for the next week to our school website. Please refer to it and if you have any questions please let us know. https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school/events Prácticas deportivas de NHS: para ayudar con la comunicación, hemos publicado las prácticas deportivas conocidas para la próxima semana en el sitio web de nuestra escuela. Por favor consúltelo y si tiene alguna pregunta, háganoslo saber. https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school/events
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
Recordatorio para atletas de NHS: los exámenes físicos, las pruebas de conmoción cerebral y los formularios de la oficina principal deben completarse y devolverse a la oficina principal antes de las 3 pm mañana, 12 de agosto, para garantizar que pueda participar en la práctica el lunes. Si no está seguro, póngase en contacto con nosotros y podemos responder cualquier pregunta que pueda tener. Deberá pasar por la oficina principal para recibir un pase azul/amarillo para llevar a la práctica el lunes, así que recójalo antes del mediodía del lunes 15 de agosto.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
NHS Athlete Reminder - Physicals, concussion tests and the forms from the front office need to be completed and returned to the front office by 3 pm tomorrow, August 12th to ensure you will be able to participate in practice on Monday. If you are unsure please contact us and we can answer any questions you may have. You will need to stop by the front office to receive a blue/yellow slip to take to practice Monday so please pick that up before noon on Monday, August 15th.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
CORRECCION Casa abierta de NHS Entregaremos libros de texto, Chromebooks, asignación de casilleros y otra información pertinente. Juniors y Seniors deberán estar aquí el miércoles 17 de agosto de 4 pm a 6 pm. Sophomores y Freshmen deberán estar aqui el jueves 18 de agosto de 4 pm a 6 pm.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
Open House
CORRECTION - NHS Open House We will be handing out textbooks, Chromebooks, lockers and other pertinent information. Juniors and Seniors will need to be here on Wednesday, August 17th from 4 pm to 6 pm. Sophomores and Freshmen will need to be here on Thursday, August 18 from 4pm to 6pm.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
Open House
Información Atlética de NHS - si su estudiante está practicando un deporte de otoño, por favor asegúrese de que obtenga el papeleo en la oficina esta semana para que sea elegible para las prácticas. Luego, si se debe hacer una prueba de conmoción cerebral, por favor revise su correo electrónico del estudiante para la prueba de impacto - si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a la oficina principal.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
NHS Athletic Update - if your student is doing a fall sport please be sure they get the paperwork into the office this week so they are eligible for practices- then if they are due for a concussion test please have them check their student email for Impact Testing - if you have any questions please call the front office.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
We apologize, Valley Family cancelled on us last week but we have confirmed they will be here this Friday, August 12th for both middle school and high school students from 8am to 12pm. Please try to come as early as possible to make sure you get a chance to get in with them. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
Athletic Update - all athletes are required to take a concussion test, it is good for 2 years. It will come in a link to their school email so please have your student watch for it if they are a freshman or if their test has expired. Any questions please call 541-372-2287.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
Registration is still open and we are in the office all week from 8am to 4pm if you have any questions please call 541-372-2287. If your student has a schedule change please have them check their email for the Google form to fill out. The counselor will be making calls next week to help with student schedules.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
NHS Updates - Parking permits are required for all students parking in the high school parking lot this year - they are free and the forms are in the front office - credit cards are accepted both in person and online at https://or-nyssa.intouchreceipting.com/ - physicals are today 8am to 3pm and Friday, August 6th 8am to 12pm - please call if you have any questions 541-372-2287
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
Soccer, football, volleyball, cross country? ALL athletes will need to fill out paperwork in the front office and those that need a physical those are going on today from 8am to 3pm today in the front parking lot for free!!!
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
Reminder: ONLINE registration opens tomorrow at 8 a.m. Go to the Nyssa School District website to get registered. PARENTS you will need your parentvue login to register your student. If you need assistance with this call the high school at 541-372-2287. We will have a few chromebooks set up in the commons area for those that need it. STUDENTS once you are registered, if you need a schedule change check your email and fill out the Google sheet for ALL schedule changes.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
Familias de Nyssa High School, Los horarios de los estudiantes ahora se pueden ver en Studentvue. Se ha enviado información adicional sobre cómo solicitar cambios en su horario a su correo electrónico. La escuela secundaria de Nyssa estará abierta el lunes 1 de agosto de 8:00 a. m. a 3:00 p. m. y el martes 2 de agosto de 8:00 a. m. a 7:00 p. m. si necesita ayuda adicional con su horario.
over 2 years ago, Brett Jackman
Nyssa High School Families, Student schedules can now be seen in Studentvue. Additional information about how to request changes to your schedule have been sent to your student email. Nyssa High School will be open Monday Aug 1 from 8:00-3:00 and Tuesday August 2 from 8:00am-7:00pm if you need additional help with your schedule.
over 2 years ago, Brett Jackman
We are excited to share with you that you can now pay your student fines/fees online!!! It will show you a statement of your account and you can pay via credit card in our office!! Be sure to Capitalize the student's last name as the password and feel free to call our office with any questions: https://or-nyssa.intouchreceipting.com/
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
REMINDER: Sports physicals at NHS Monday, August 1st 8am to 3pm and Friday, August 5th 8am to 12pm. All athletics paperwork is available in the front office and will need to be completed before the first practice.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon
Nyssa High School Registration is Online again this year. If you need your ParentVue log-in please call the front office and we will be happy to help you.
over 2 years ago, Holly Kenyon