We have had a great morning with Help Them to Hope, delivering presents and food around the greater Nyssa community!
about 5 years ago, Ryan Hawkins
OTI (Opportunity to Improve) is offered after school every Tuesday-Thursday from 3:06-3:45. Students can meet with teachers to get extra help or complete missing assignments. If your child is missing an assignment or failing a class they should be using OTI daily.
about 5 years ago, Brett Jackman
Happy Thanksgiving.
about 5 years ago, Ryan Hawkins
We're really looking forward to having a few days of break!
about 5 years ago, Ryan Hawkins
Dear Nyssa High school parents/students, there has been a change in our calendar for the month of DECEMBER. On the original calendar we had the 6th of December as a no school day and the 13th as a regular school day. Due to some unforeseen conflicts, it was necessary to switch these days. So now the 6th of December WILL BE A REGULAR SCHOOL DAY! And there will be NO SCHOOL ON DEC. 13th! Please make this change to your calendars. Thank you! #markyourcalendars #nhs #gobigblue
about 5 years ago, Ryan Hawkins
calendar update