NHS Wrestlers - 6 of our wrestlers qualified for State!! Congrats and good luck - Jesse Aragon, George Candelas, Dennis Savage, LeRoy Phillips-Yale, Jose Hernandez, Nathan Beck
![Wrestling Districts](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3790632/large_Ep4POU6s-uOoLBaOY6YfCA.jpeg)
![Wrestling Districts](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3790634/large_Vsow1gPtyFCPse50jtlg5g.jpeg)
![Wrestling Districts](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3790636/large_o1t2YTknXmFfPAZVbrSWig.jpeg)
![Wrestling Districts](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3790640/large_wfruz6IVGZwtjP48X-sbqg.jpeg)
![Wrestling Districts](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3790643/large_Xbn3I5Cy3RutEm_EFSSEJw.jpeg)
Carnations for Valentine’s!!! $3 in the front office and will be delivered 2/14/23 - limited sale so order today!!!
Friday, February 24 - Senior pictures due to yearbook@nyssasd.org
Monday, Feb 20 - NO SCHOOL
2/14 - Basketball @ TBD
2/17 and 2/18 - Varsity Basketball Districts
2/14 - Chapter Meeting
2/15 - Sectional Leadership and Sectionals
District Star Candidate List Due
Spring Membership Roster Due
Thursday, 2/16 - Sectionals Interview Docs Due (CAP-LW-NW) and Sectionals Manuscripts Due
2/17 - Sectionals Interview Docs Due (SO-UMP-UW) and Sectionals Manuscripts Due
2/18 - Nat'l FFA Week - Market Steer Weigh In
Congrats!!! To HOSA at their competition they have 11 qualified to compete at state on March 11th in Medical Assisting, HOSA Bowl, Medical Terminology, Pharmacology and Clinical Lab Science!
Back Row: Mrs. DeWitt, Jimmy Hamilton, Ronaldo Bueno, Keighlee Bunker
Middle Row: Taylor Cassity, Destiny Reyes, Yvette Martinez Rosales, Gabriela Ureiro Galvez, Jessica Trinidad
Front Row: Maria Arreola, Amber Lovitt
Carnations for Valentine’s! $3 in the front office and will be delivered 2/9/23 - limited sale so order today
Saturday, Feb 11 - Daddy/Daughter Dance 6pm to 8pm
Class of 2023 will be raffling off a TV at the Vale home game 2/7
2/7/23 - Girls Boys Varsity and JV basketball home v. Vale - girls dismiss 2pm, games start 3pm
2/9 - Girls Boys Varsity and JV Basketball @ Burns - dismiss 1215pm, depart 1230pm
2/10 and 2/11 - Varsity wrestling @ Boardman - TBA.
Saturday, 2/11/23 - Girls Boys JV2 basketball @ Baker - depart
Tuesday, February 7th -
Chapter Officer Meeting
Wednesday, February 8th - State Degree Scoring Snake River District
Thursday, February 9th -
5th Quarter Movie Night - Black Panther Wakanda Forever this Saturday, February 4th at 7pm - bring money for concessions and rootbeer floats - any questions can be emailed to MVargas@nyssasd.org
![Movie Night](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3689733/large_5th_qtr._movie_night_-_Made_with_PosterMyWall.jpg)
SPORTS UPDATE - Tuesday, 1/31/23 - Boys Basketball @ La Grande - dismiss 1245pm, depart 1pm is being moved to WEDNESDAY, 2/1/23 - same times for everything else
Tuesday, January 31st - State Scholarships due
Wednesday, February 1st -
American Degree Applications Due
State Officer Candidate Materials Due
Creed Registration
Extemp Speaking, COOP Exam
Parliamentary Procedure Advanced/Beginning
State Degree Names Due to Google Sheets
Friday, February 3rd - State Degree Applications and List Due
Tuesday, February 7th -
Sectionals: BM-EO-SR Job Interview Docs Due
Sectionals: BM-EO-SR manuscripts Due
Chapter Officer Meeting
Monthly District Advisor Meeting
Wednesday, February 8th - State Degree Scoring Snake River District
Thursday, February 9th -
District Ag Teacher Meeting Advisors
Proficiency Awards, Beg. Record Books
Officer Books, Convention Assignments
JB Thomas Scholarship
NHS Sports This Week
Class of 2023 will be raffling off a TV at the Vale home game Tuesday, February 7th - $5 for 1 ticket or 6 tickets for $25
Volleyball Banquet Tuesday, January 31st @ 630pm in gym foyer
Monday, 1/30/23 -
V and JV BBX @ Ontario - depart 4pm
JV2 Girls and Boys Basketball home v Vale - starts 6pm
Tuesday, 1/31/23 - Boys Basketball @ La Grande - dismiss 1245pm, depart 1pm
Friday, 2/3/23 -
JV and V Boys and Girls Basketball home vs. Umatilla - girls dismiss 2pm
Girls Wrestling Districts @ Scappoose - depart 2/2/23 Good Luck!!
Varsity Boys Wrestling @ Weiser - dismiss 1130am, depart 1145am
V and JV Boys Basketball home vs MacHi - starts 130pm
JV2 Boys Basketball @ Ontario - depart 945am
V and JV Girls Basketball home vs MacHi - 12pm
Girls Wrestling Districts @ Scappoose - TBA
Varsity Wrestling @ Weiser - depart 715am
Link to pay student fees or purchase a yearbook: https://or-nyssa.intouchreceipting.com/signin
Link to NHS Events Page: https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school/events
Carnations for Valentine’s!!! $3 in the front office and will be delivered 2/9/23 - limited sale so order today!!!
Saturday, Feb 11 - Daddy/Daughter Dance 6pm to 8pm - hosted by HOSA - $30 for Parent + Child, $10 for each additional child with same parent - ALL school age children welcome
Friday, Feb 24 - Senior pictures due to yearbook@nyssasd.org
Tuesday, March 21 - Support the Court @ NHS
Friday, March 31, 2023 - Senior Banner Money ($20) due by
Saturday, April 29th - PROM
Congrats!!! FFA Farm Business Management Team on 2nd place at Districts and our NEW Snake River District Secretary Elliana Munk and NEW Snake River District Treasurer Spencer Romans!!!
![FFA Districts 23](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3674588/large_FFA_District_Officers_23.jpg)
![FFA Districts 23](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3674597/large_FFA_District_23_2nd_place.jpg)
Report Cards for Semester 1 go out this week!!! Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.
Football Banquet Friday, Jan 27 - 7pm NMS Cafeteria
Monday, 1/23/23 - GBX and BBX JV2 @ Vale - depart 440pm
Tuesday, 1/24/23 - BBX and GBX JV and Varsity @ home - Girls dismiss 2pm
Thursday, 1/26/23 - Wrestling home v La Grande SENIOR NIGHT - 5pm
Thursday, 1/26/23 - BBX and GBX @ Baker - dismiss 2pm
Saturday, 1/28/23 -
Varsity Wrestling @ New Plymouth depart 715am
JV Wrestling @ Caldwell depart 615am
BBX and GBX @ Riverside depart 8am
Carnations for Valentine’s!!! $3 in the front office and will be delivered 2/9/23 - limited sale so order today!!!
Saturday, Feb 11 - Daddy/Daughter Dance 6pm to 8pm - hosted by HOSA - $30 for Parent + Child, $10 for each additional child with same parent - ALL school age children welcome
Friday, February 24 - Senior pictures due to yearbook@nyssasd.org
Tuesday, March 21 - Support the Court @ NHS
Friday, March 31, 2023 - Senior Banner Money ($20) due by
Saturday, April 29th - PROM
Scholarship Workshop Tonight in the High School Library 6pm to 8pm - bring your FAFSA to finish if you need - pizza will be provided.
Link to pay student fees or purchase a yearbook: https://or-nyssa.intouchreceipting.com/signin
Link to NHS Events Page: https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school/events
Football Banquet Friday, Jan 27 - 7pm NMS Cafeteria
Saturday, Feb 11 - Daddy/Daughter Dance 6pm to 8pm - hosted by HOSA - $30 for Parent + Child, $10 for each additional child with same parent - ALL school age children welcome
Senior pictures will be due February 24 so please email them to yearbook@nyssasd.org
Tuesday, March 21 - Support the Court @ NHS
Friday, March 31, 2023 - Senior Banner Money ($20) due by
Link to pay student fees or purchase a yearbook: https://or-nyssa.intouchreceipting.com/signin
Link to NHS Events Page: https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school/events
Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023- Scholarship Workshop Night 6pm to 8pm
Saturday, Feb 11 - Daddy/Daughter Dance 6pm to 8pm - hosted by HOSA - $30 for Parent + Child, $10 for each additional child with same parent - ALL school age children welcome
Tuesday, March 21 - Support the Court @ NHS
Football Banquet Friday, Jan 27 - 7pm NMS Cafeteria
Wednesday, 1/18/23 - Wrestling home v Baker 5pm
Friday, 1/20/23 - GBX and BBX @ Umatilla - dismiss 1045am, depart 11am
Saturday, 1/21/23 -
JV and Girls Wrestling @ Melba - depart 620am
Varsity Wrestling @ Nampa - depart 6am
BBX and GBX @ Mac-Hi Games start at 12pm
Wednesday, January 18th - NW Ag Show; District Officer Applications Due
Thursday, January 19th - NW Ag Show
Friday, January 20th - NW Ag Show; Association Board & Exec Meeting
Saturday, January 21st - Association Board & Exec Meeting
Monday, January 23 - 6pm to 9pm Watershed Speaking Contest
Wednesday, January 25th - District Officer Elections 8am to 4pm; Farm Business Management CDE 8am to 4pm; State Degree Presentations 8am to 4pm; District Speech manuscripts due by 4pm
Tuesday, January 31st - State Scholarships due
End of Semester 1 is Thursday, January 12th - please check your student's grades and remind them to go to OTI this week if possible, there are several options for them to attend-
Tuesday thru Friday 305pm to 345pm
Monday thru Thursday 7pm to 830pm with Mr. Blanchard
Link to pay student fees or purchase a yearbook: https://or-nyssa.intouchreceipting.com/signin
Link to NHS Events Page: https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school/events
Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023- Scholarship Workshop Night 6pm to 8pm
Friday, March 31, 2023 - Senior Banner Money ($20) due by
Football Banquet TBA - We are waiting on the All-State Awards
The Boys Basketball Store closes January 10th get your gear today!!! https://selectprintingusa.com/collections/nyssa-high-boys-basketball-22
Wednesday, 1/11/23 - Wrestling @ Parma - depart 330pm
Wednesday, 1/11/23 - GBX home vs Baker - no early dismiss
Friday, 1/13/23 -
BBX JV2 home Tournament - 1pm and 530pm
BBX JV home v New Plymouth - 7pm
Varsity wrestling @ Parma - depart 1215pm
Girls wrestling @ Nampa - depart 12pm
JV2 GBX @ Melba - depart 230pm
Saturday, 1/14/23 -
Varsity wrestling @ Parma - depart 730am
Girls wrestling @ Nampa - TBA
BBX @ Vale - depart 930am
GBX @ Vale - depart 930am
Tuesday, January 10th - Chapter Meeting
Friday, January 13th and Saturday, January 14th - State Executive Committee Meeting; Honorary/Distinguished Applications Due
Wednesday, January 18th - NW Ag Show; District Officer Applications Due
On January 13, 2023, MCHD will be providing a vaccine clinic and the Moblie Mammogram Unit from St Al's will be offering mammograms from 9am-2pm at Mac Hall located on the Elementary School campus.
MCHD will be offering childhood vaccines, Flu shots, COVID vaccines and COVID boosters. Walk-ins are welcome, but scheduling is recommended to reduce wait times. To schedule, please email adewitt@nyssasd.org.
To schedule a mammogram, please call 208-367-8787.
Both the vaccine clinic and the Moblie Mammogram Unit is open to the community.
Thanks you,
Aundra De Witt, School District Nurse
El 13 de enero de 2023, MCHD estará proporcionando una clínica de vacunas y la Unidad de Mamografía Moblie de St Al's estará ofreciendo mamografías de 9am-2pm en Mac Hall ubicado en el campus de la Escuela Primaria.
MCHD estará ofreciendo vacunas infantiles, vacunas contra la gripe, vacunas COVID y refuerzos COVID. Sin cita previa son bienvenidos, pero la programación se recomienda para reducir los tiempos de espera. Para programar, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a adewitt@nyssasd.org.
Para programar una mamografía, por favor llame al 208-367-8787.
Tanto la clínica de vacunas como la Unidad Móvil de Mamografías están abiertas a la comunidad.
Aundra De Witt, Enfermera del Distrito Escolar
Link to pay student fees or purchase a yearbook: https://or-nyssa.intouchreceipting.com/signin
Link to NHS Events Page: https://nhs.nyssa.k12.or.us/o/nyssa-high-school/events
Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023- Scholarship Workshop Night 6pm to 8pm
Football Banquet TBA - We are waiting on the All-State Awards
Tuesday, 1/3/23 - BBX @ Parma - depart 315pm
Thursday, 1/5/23 - GBX JV2 home vs. Melba - dismiss 2pm
Friday, 1/6/23 - GBX and BBX home vs. Riverside; Wrestling @ Nampa - depart 545pm
Saturday, 1/7/23 - Girls Wrestling @ Nampa - depart 715am; JV Wrestling @ Middleton- depart 615am
Tuesday, January 3rd - Chapter Officer Meeting
Tuesday, January 10th - Chapter Meeting