April 28, 2023
Here is one of the projects that the students in Miss Meza's after school art class did. This project gave me goosebumps when I looked at it. Thank you Miss Meza for teaching ou...

September 30, 2022
On September 28, 2022, Nyssa Elementary School celebrated the achievements of our students with an awards assembly. We also had a drawing using the blue tickets that students hav...
January 31, 2022
Nyssa Public Schools
Mission: A Community Committed to Student Success
Vision: All Students Are Thriving Citizens Realizing Their Potential
804 Adrian Blvd...
August 6, 2021
August 6, 2021 Dear Parents and Students of the Nyssa School District, On Thursday, July 29, 2021 Oregon Governor Brown announced that face coverings will be required in all...
July 19, 2021
We would like to share with families and the public that the Nyssa School District expects to fully reopen schools to full-day, five-day, in-person learning this fall. We maintain...

March 11, 2021
Special District Director Elections, May 18, 2021 Nyssa School District 26 Board of Directors Terms expire for the following board members in June 2021: Robert Fehlman (Pos. 7...
January 21, 2021
Nyssa Public Schools
Mission: A Community Committed to Student Success
Vision: All Students Are Thriving Citizens Realizing Their Potential
804 Adrian Blvd...
January 10, 2021
Parents and students, please read the Superintendent Letters here. They contain important information regarding school. You can find them on the Nyssa School websites. Superinte...
October 12, 2020
Nyssa Public Schools
October 11, 2020
Media Contact: Superintendent Darren Johnson, 541-372-2275
Limited In-Person Instruction ...

August 31, 2020
Monday Students M-Z Rio Vista 8:30 - 8:50
Nyssa Library 9:00 - 9:20
South Park 9:25 - 9:50
Nyssa Court Apartments 10:00 - 10:20
Tuesday Students A-L
Rio V...
August 20, 2020
Nyssa Schools Mobile Feeding Locations Starting August 24, 2020 Free meals available to all registered Nyssa school students Breakfast and lunch will be provided i...
August 3, 2020
Dear Parents and Students of the Nyssa School District, click this link for english. Estimados Padres y Estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Nyssa: click for espanol.
July 9, 2020
2020-2021 School Year Update: On-site Learning Model
Thank you to those who completed our 2020-2021 School Year Planning Survey. Feedback from community members, staff, p...

June 19, 2020
Nyssa School District Employees and School Board,
As you know, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) recently released a document titled "Ready Schools, Safe Learners: Guid...
May 18, 2020
Nyssa Public Schools
Mission: A Community Committed to Student Success
Vision: All Students Are Thriving Citizens Realizing Their Potential
Dear Ny...
March 19, 2020
Dear Nyssa School District Employees,
The Governor’s Office announced yesterday that schools will remain
closed through April 28, 2020. As you know, this creates a lot of u...

March 10, 2020
Dear Nyssa School District Patrons and Nyssa community,
As required by law, we are providing this information to the public. We have spent the past seven (7) months collec...

February 19, 2020
We’re thrilled to announce Nyssa School District 26’s new app! It’s everything Nyssa Schools, in your pocket. With the new app, you can access sports scores, cafeteria menus, new...